Friday, July 15, 2011


Again its a muzzy day. Morning,i decided to clean up my book shelf. It contained a lot of books unarranged and i got my 10yr old pen collection from that. I was really hesitated to threw out my stuffs, and luckily most of the pens had no ink and i so dump it today.oho.. feeling sad.:(

Before some days, a point was discussed about behavioural changes in rainy season. I donno how many persons felt that. my friend told me that he have 2 characters, and feel so calm and talk sweet and write a lot in this time. and rest of the time, might not be feeling the same. But i felt its true.
From my observation, i found out a similar behavioural change. Not much behavioural. But somewhat similar to that. i love to write a lot in rainy season. Matter and subject is not at all an important factor in these times. Besides that, i just love to be wrapped by my red blanket and sleep all the day,closing all windows for making a dark in the room. And so, reading will be very less. Since school days, i easily fell asleep if i start reading in night. But that phenomenon was just for study texts. And i dint like to sleep in after noon like all other do. But in rainy season, the cold make me sleep all the day. I know, u may be feeling it usual or my writing as bull shit.!!!
But think, Why is that so?

How a rain can make changes in people?..
Seasons affect people.. mh.. needs a proper research. :)

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